With huge works
We have been involved in many big projects by partnering with leading companies.
We are advancing towards the goal of providing the highest quality service.
Zero compromise policy in quality
We continue to grow in the sector by delivering work with our policy of zero compromise on quality in the projects we are solution partners.
With the pride of our works
We have accomplished many successful projects with steel construction structures.
With its staff open to change and innovations
With our experienced staff and fast solutions, we are moving forward with confident steps all over the world.
Design and Fabrication/Installion of every kind of structural steel
- Machinery Equipment Platforms - Petro-Chemicals Facilities - Proses Binaları - Proces Buildings - Long Span Structures
- Bridges - Stadiums - Sports and Convention Halls - Malls, Hotels and Museums - Office and Prestigious Buildings
- Equipments - Overhead & Portal Cranes - Stairways & Handrails etc. - Canopies etc.
Production Facility
60.000 m² open 32.000 m² closed
25 white 150 blue
Production Range
20.000 tons/year (an average value; can be exceed)
Proud of our gigantic works
UGCC Gas Polimer Complex
In Uzbekistan/Usyurt Polimer Warehouse 90’000m², fire fighting walls, Packing Tower at 70m height, mechanical equipment and piping works and pipe racks (4700 TONs stuctural – 200 TONs equipment)
Aviation Maintanance Hangar
60m free span – 12 TONs overhead Crane operating military airfield maintanance hangar (1550 ton)
TAI-TUSAŞ B420 Hangar
Ankara/Kahramankazan 120’000m² Plane Factory – 8000 TONs of structural steel fabrication and installion
PETLAS Tire Factory
Steel Construction warehouse, Process structure and equipment platfroms
NISSARA Mall and CROWN Plaza Hotel
3800 TONs of steel/RC composite work fabrication and installion
Samsun/Çarşamba Yenişehir Bridge
100m free – 2x 50m viaduct total:200m Highway bridge
Plato Integrated Agricultural Facility
90’000 m² Closed area for Livestock, structural steel fabrication and installion, roof and Wall claddings
Sugar Factories
Special Purpose Process Buildings, Silos, Mechanical Equipments and piping works, hangars and mezzanine floors for Kayseri Boğazlıyan, Elazığ, Kırşehir Sugar factories
Terminal roofs, tower and auxiliary facilies of Airport of Kahramanmaraş, Muş, Çanakkale cities. (3700 TONs)
15'000-person Moldova-Comrat and 25'000-person Karaman City Stadiums Steel construction manufacturing and assembly works 4300 TONs
Malls, Hotels, Public Buildings
AVLU 34 Shopping mall in İstanbul Arnavutköy ve Kayseri Science Center and Planetoriıum Çorum City Sport and Convecitonal Center 1950 TONs of Steel 100m free span roof mega trusses
By making process control at every stage, product quality is guaranteed at every stage in our progressive manufacturing.
With a policy of zero compromise on quality